Monday, April 13, 2009

A new day dawns

Well today got off to a pretty good start. Kay is feeling tired today, she thinks the adrenaline of all these new challenges is wearing off. I think she is anemic, sleep deprived and sedated. We are probably both right. Anyway, Dr. Safarri's visit helped put a bright side on the morning. He is a kind and positive person. He declared Kay to be progressing in her post operative recovery faster than most patients, and we may go home tomorrow. Kay figures all this training she has been doing has her fit for a different type of marathon than she was training for. God works in mysterious ways.

One pretty cool think that happened yesterday is that Colleen Gray and Stan Shaw somehow got photos, letters, and all sorts of stuff and had a big poster printed for the hospital wall. For some reason an iPhone photo does not seem to work to post to this page, so you'll have to see it another time.

Tomorrow Kay gets a port to use for her chemotherapy, and the plan is to see Dr. McCrosky next week to start the chemo then. I think we will be able to do this at the Cancer Center in Puyallup.

Brett is back at school today at Seattle Central Community College, and Jean is going to be in soon to visit. On the agenda for today is lots of walking. The deal breaker for going home is to have adequate bowel function to "pass gas." Kay asked if she could have a bean and cheese buritto, but not to be.

I had a good talk with Becky Sullivan yesterday. Becky and I are long time friends, and she has always been someone I can talk with about important issues in my life. She was my residency director at Madigan another lifetime ago, and her support as a "physician friend" is something I appreciate.

I think Fay and Mary may be coming up to visit next weekend. That should be a good time as it will be after we get settled in at home, and before Kay starts chemo. I really don't have anything witty to say this morning, but appreciate all of your prayers and support. Oh, I did learn from Jean yesterday that you guys can comment back. It was fun to read the comments. I read many to Kay, and we enjoyed that. Learn something every day.



Norm and Barb Aune said...

Missed you much during the festivities yesterday. The youth group missed you at breakfast, the choir missed you, your friends missed you. You were and are in our constant prayers. God speed in your healing, Kay, and Ed, when you are ready to break away for a bike ride, I am ready, 24/7, well maybe 12/7.

Unknown said...

Kay, you will have that bean and cheese burrito soon enough! As Andrew may have told you, I am currently in Texas visiting family, but you Kay, as well as Ed, Jean and Brett are constantly on my mind and in my prayers. As soon as I get home next week, I will get in touch and pay you a visit!

Until then, all my love,


Unknown said...

Just back from France and heard your news. You are in our thoughts and our prayers Kay. Keep strong.
Love to you all,
Lesley and Martyn xxxxxxxxxx

Bill said...

Kay, Ed, Jean and Brett
You are in our constant thoughts and prayers. Stay strong in your belief and know that we are only a call away, and God is omnipresent.
Bill, Carol, Allie and Morgan

Natalie said...

Kay, Ed, and family-Just wanted you to know that I am following the blog as well and praying constantly for you all. May God bless you and heal your body Kay. May this whole ordeal constantly make you desperate for Him. That's when the Might Physician does his best work. Hope to see you at the Ram again soon.

Skip said...

Wanted to let you know that Deb and I have been following along with great interest and positive thoughts. Stay strong, and you'll be having muchos burritos grande before you know it.

Hamsterina said...

If anyone wants to see Kay's get well banner, it's posted on my blog. You can click on the image to see it larger. URL below: Unfortunately, being well trained by Kay to get stuff done, we rushed this to the printer before all the friends who wanted to add photos and comments could respond. Sorry to anyone who couldn't hop on.

Not surprised to hear you are healing quickly, Kay. You are an exceptionally positive, empowered woman. No reason not to expect an exceptionally positive outcome. Besides, you have Ed there, your two great kids, and all of us here.
Colleen and Stan

Unknown said...

Hi Kay and Dr. Pullen--

Jean just sent me the link to the blog and shared with me your news. I am praying for you both and send you all of my love and well wishes from Leavenworth! Jean said she passed onto you, Kay, some of the books we shared this summer at our "lunch and a movie" outing and I hope they can provide to you some comfort in this difficult time. I miss you and will be thinking of you until I can see you again! Until then, keep fighting and know you're in my prayers. ♥

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." -Viktor Frankl

Love you both!

Mindee P. said...

Kay, you are constantly in my heart and prayers. I love you so much! I loved that Ed wrote that you felt you had trained for a reason -- as it was the first thing my mother said:that it was meant to be from G-d that you had gotten your body so strong with your training so you could recover fully and easily. My Mom and David send you their very best heartfelt wishes as well. You owe me a spend the night party - so hurry up and feel good! We have some laughing to do! Love, love, love, Mindee

Unknown said...

Oh, Kay, what a shock! As I pray for you and Ed, Jean and Brett, I am repeatedly struck by how our lives can take sudden, unexpected, and, yes, unwanted, turns. And truly, the only preparation for these events is our faith in God and our love for each other. I ask that, in a time of quiet repose, you close your eyes, see yourself in the enveloping cocoon of God's love, and see those who love you reaching through to touch you with their love. I, too, am there. Becky