Monday, September 28, 2009

You can't take the California out of the girl

Kay and I had a wonderful SoCal day today. Slept in and then went to the beach. At Huntington beach we took a great barefoot walk in the wet sand, then went swimming and body surfing in the 65 degree El ninyo water. Then met Kay's nephew Matt for sushi lunch. After a leisurely lunch and a nice visit we stopped by Mary and Jim's in Fullerton. We love Jim's art, and bought some pieces to bring home, saw the kids, the chicken, and left for Fay's.

Fay, Vince, Kay and I enjoyed a nice bottle of wine Ken had given us when we saw him earlier this trip, and went out for a nice dinner. Now we are relaxing, packing for an early departure to beat the LA traffic. Plan is for breakfast somewhere north of LA.

Tomorrow night we plan to stop just shy of Yosemite and get there early Wednesday. Tonight we are finishing the Burns documentary on National Parks, which fortuitously starts with the story of Yosemite.

Wish us safe voyage and adventure.


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