Monday, September 21, 2009

Bye Bye San Francisco

For the last 2 days we have really enjoyed visiting old friends. Today we got up late, after lots of good food and wine last night, and after a quick breakfast at the hotel went to Bodega Head, a high bluff overlooking the north side of Bodega Bay. Really nice surf and rocks.

Then we left Ann and John, and headed for San Francisco. We planned to go south on Hwy 1 to the Golden Gate bridge, but somehow missed a turn, ended up in Petaluma, and took a more direct route to the city. In doing this we missed Pt. Reyes, and a 30 mile or so segment of the coast, but did not feel badly as everything was pretty fogged in this AM.

We met up with Cecile Lozano, a longtime friend of Kay's from San Francisco and NYC, and of mine from NYC when Kay and I lived at West Point. We met Gary Clarion, Cecile's partner, and saw his art, had a nice visit, especially enjoyed looking at Cecile's old photos of our children as babies and young children, and then had a wonderful meal at a local favorite restaurant of theirs.

Then over the hills and on to Half Moon Bay, in the dark, so I'll tell you about this place after seeing it in the daylight.

The fun goes on. Kay is doing well, a bit tired as we are now on day 6 post chemo #7, but having fun, and on vacation.


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