After such a nice day yesterday, today has had its good and tough parts. On the good side, Kay met Dr. Rob McCroskey today. I really like Rob, have known him for years, and asked him to be Kay's oncologist. Kay really enjoyed meeting him too. As an ironic aside, as we were sitting in the exam room, we saw a plaque on the wall with out name on it. It turns out that for our donation to the capital fund to build the cancer center, they named the very room Kay and I were using for her initial oncology evaluation as being possible through our gift. Amazing how life plays out.
Today Kay has been much more weak, fatigued, and nauseated than yesterday. Also when she first woke up I noted that she was jaundiced. Dr. McCroskey thinks that the cancer near the head of Kay's pancreas that had initially caused the elevated liver enzymes has not started to block the outflow of bile through the common bile duct. This is causing her to be nauseated, jaundiced, and to have chills. He asked her to go back in the hospital tonight to get some IV fluids and antibiotics, and to have a stent (small tube) placed in the common bile duct to allow free drainage of bile into the duodenum (first part of the small bowel, just beyond the outlet of the stomach. This will be place with a scope put down through her esophagus, stomach and duodenum and pushed in through the ampula of Vater, into the common bile duct. This is a pretty common procedure in these circumstances. Kay is excited to get this behind her, and get on with her chemotherapy. Having an explanation for her nausea and loss of appetite that can be fixed tomorrow is exciting, and we pray that this is extremely helpful.
What we had hoped to be a weekend of rest and nutrition, has become more eventful. We are looking at this as just a bump in the road. Keep us in your prayers. I'll keep you posted.
Fay and Mary are here, the Mariner's have rallied to a 5-0 lead, Patty brought a really nice dinner with apple pie, the sun came out this afternoon, Brett is home, Jean is walking at the Relay in Portland, and God is great.
Sleep well.
Dr. Pullen is Probably Out Birding
4 years ago
Dear Ed, Kay and family,
"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."(Lam. 3:21-23)
"We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."(1Thess.1:2-3).
Our hearts and prayers are with you all. Much love, Sammy and Sue
Hi to Everyone at Ed and Kay's house, We spent a lovely day with Mel and Ray and some of our Baja friends. During that time we were informed by Mel of the Temescal event to be held next week to help send messages of healing to Kay from 4 areas around the world. How wonderful to know there are such caring people willing to help those they have never met. Being big believers in the power of positive thinking, we feel certain this event will bring good things.
We applaud Jean's strength and fortitude in taking on an a big event during such a difficult time in her life and are wishing her success in finishing the walk.
We are looking forward to reading the news on this blog that Kay's stint will bring her relief from the pain and better health for her overall. Thank you for the updates. Our thoughts and hearts continue to be with you all and as always they include healing and prayers of strength and peace to you and your family, Jesse, Terry and Tyrel Ventura
Hi Kay,
Yesterday, I had a hour conversation with Joan Baron. We spoke of you and want to send you our best wishes.We also spoke of our days in NYC and the crazy times we had together.Please say hello to Mary for me. It's been years since I have seen her. Love you lots. Cecile
We are praying that the procedure today is so uneventful it's boring for all of you.
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