Actually today was more than a little bit better, it was a whole lot better. Kay was hungry today. When Rob the milkman, aka as the best looking deliveryman in Pierce County a few years ago as published in the Tacoma News Tribune, came today to deliver our milk we were sitting in the sun in the yard after Kay had a snack of PB&J on crackers and milk. As he was leaving Kay asked him to leave two quarts of chocolate milk and more juice. A good sign that Kay is back to thinking about her next meal before she finishes the one she is eating. (This after a pretty good lunch, and before having spaghetti for dinner. ) Yes!
Earlier today, after the closest thing to nagging Kay has done since she got sick, I made the dreaded call for yet more help with the TV. 1-800-COMCAST to figure out why it suddenly stopped working. Like any red-blooded male, I figured I could do it myself, and hated to ask for directions. Finally after calling it took about 45 seconds of advice, and it was working fine again. Comcast really does have excellent over-the-phone help for most issues. (the TV was on channel 2, not channel 3, so had "no input")
Also today we took a drive after dinner. We went down to the Orting valley, and slowly drove one of our favorite local birding loops thought the fields across the Puyallup River. Not quite hiking 11 miles to find a Colima Warbler at 6500 feet elevation above the basin at Big Bend like we had planned to do today, but still a nice time together. We did see a Greater yellowlegs at a wet spot in one of the fields.
Tonight Kay agrees to let me watch part of the Mariner's game on the HDTV. I had to text Keith Colmar, Kay's older brother who is a big Los Angeles Angels fan, today to ask him how the Angels were doing. He reminded me it is a long season, but fun to be in this position now. Let's sweep tonight, go M's.
All for now.
Dr. Pullen is Probably Out Birding
4 years ago
Morning greetings from Maine. Your "nigh watch" has been up and praying for awhile:)!
Love to you all,
Sam and Sue
Funny that over 6 years of marathon training I most recently discovered that the very BEST fuel I can eat while running a marathon is peanut butter and jelly! You're doing it all right!! So glad you are feeling better.
Adam has been hiding peanuts in our bird feeder tree and on the fence for the squirrels to find (just like the Easter Bunny). We have noticed, though, that the squirrel's usual schedule is early in the morning, and he has arrived to no peanuts, shooting a perturbed look our way. What is happening is that our fellow blue jays have found all the peanuts! Adam loads up the tree at 4pm, the peanuts are gone by 7pm. One jay shows up, hoards for an hour, then before you know it we have 4 jays flying around the yard with peanuts in their beaks. Poor squirrel!
Keep healing! Love, Cheryl
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