As Kay approaches the end of her 5th cycle of this second course of chemo she continues to be a chemo superstar. She will get the last PARP infusion portion of this course and take next week off. She did develop some anemia a while ago, and got a 2 unit blood transfusion, which went uneventfully and left her full of energy for our Cabos Christmas vacation. We've been back almost 2 weeks now, and all continues well. She will get at least one more course, then we are working with our oncologist to decide what if anything to do after that besides wait, have fun, and pray.
Kay's last CA-125 was down to 9.3, from 11.5 the time prior, so the downward trend continues. We pray that this PARP working with her chemo will lead to a much longer remission, maybe even a cure.

Jean has moved to an apartment in Bellevue for a short time as a sublease prior to her long engagement for her job in southern Oregon, so Kay and I are home alone again. We're jamming as much fun into life as we can. Last night we, really Kay, hosted our Rotary book club, after reading The Immortal Live of Henrietta Lacks. It was an interesting story of the HeLa cell line that has been used for most of the cell research in the last 60 years.
Brett is back to start his Senior year at Seattle University, and is doing well. He is working out a lot, having some fun, learning lots and trying to learn more about online marketing as an entrepreneurial pursuit.
DrPullen.com, my medical blog, continues to grow in viewer volume and on the search engines, and I am still having fun with writing.
Winter birding in WA is great, and I'm off to E. WA with a group this weekend, while Kay stays warm in Puyallup. The next week we are joining Ron and Linda Bahr, good friends, on a trip to Vancouver, and a weekend of birding the Skagit and Sammish flats for raptors and winter passerines. Then the next weekend off to a cancer retreat where we hope to renew and invigorate our spiritual and emotional reserves to continue the fight.
Hope this finds you all well. Keep Kay in your prayers, asking for a long remission and continued good health.
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