Sunday, August 29, 2010

PARP Trial All Good

Kay is home after her 6 day, 5 night stay at the Charles River medical trial center in Tacoma where she got her first infusion of the PARP inhibitor, and had extensive testing done to study how it passed through her body and was excreted. She got home yesterday, and is doing great. Now a quick couple of days to pack, plan and fine tune or vacation plans, and we're off Thursday for a week in Maine then 9 days in Italy.

I just got back from a 3 day birding trip. Brett was the man, visiting Kay much of the day on Friday, his 22nd birthday, and bringing her home yesterday while I was off playing.

After our vacation Kay will start her chemo. We're mostly trying not to think too much right now, and just go have a great vacation.

Love to all.


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