Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lots of friends and relatives

Yesterday Fay Colmar, Kay Mom, had her 80th birthday party. All 5 children, all but one grandchild, and an incredibly interesting and adoring group of friends converged at Fay's home in Fullerton,CA. We had a lovefest worthy of the occation. Fay had the house decorated in high style, with a red, white, and black theme. Guests dressed to match the theme, and we all got a chance to wish Fay a happy 80th, as well as to renew old acquaintances, make new ones, and have a great day.

Kay is really essentially back to normal. She has a cute short hairdo, is really getting fit again, running up to 3 miles and working out 5-6 times a week, and feeling good. She is going to get her port out this week. It is the last piece of foreign material still reminding her daily of Cecil, and she looks forward to having it gone. She is quite thin, and it is noticible and a bit uncomfortable below her right collarbone.

Jean and Marc (boyfriend) were able to come down to the party. Jean has been in the midst of her first "busy season" as an accountant, and is working long hours, learning lots, and doing great.

Brett is thriving as a University of Seattle junior English major, and could not make the party, as he is in mid-terms.

I continue to love my post-medical director status as a family physician. I am enjoying my new blog, and Kay and I continue to have lots of fun.

Enjoy the Super Bowl today, and give prayers of thanks for Kay's continued health.

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