Monday, June 8, 2009

Plenty of neutrophils

Kay had her blood count done today and has plenty of neutrophils to fend off infection, so we are all set for chemotherapy session 3 tomorrow. Kay has been trying, as directed, to avoid uncooked foods to avoid possible bacterial infections while her count was low, so was happy to enjoy a good salad today at lunch with Jean. I made a cameo to share an ice tea with them on my way from my clinical session at Sunrise Medical Campus to the administrative building for the afternoon.

We updated our hypnotic suggestion for another uneventful chemo session this morning, and are all set to kick Cecil (Kay prefers not to think of the other C word as being in her) out of Kay tomorrow.

Pray for successful therapy and no side effects again.



Bill said...

Way to go KAY!

Sue said...

What great news! Praying already for an uneventful chemo day tomorrow.Much love to all, Sam, Sue & family