We had a wonderful visit with family, thanks in large part to terrific planning and execution by Jean and Marc, with big time assistance from Marc's whole family, from many of Kay's girlfriends, and with support from many others, too many to try to name here.
We pray for a quiet and restful week while we give the first course of chemotherapy time to work. We hope that this week will see Kay's blood counts remain strong, that she will be able to have her external bile drainage tube removed soon, and that she will continue to recover from the biliary tract infection completely.
I hope to slow down on the posts this week, and get back to a bit more work at Sound Family Medicine. Also just a time to be thankful for and enjoy our time together as a family at home.
WAY TO GO JEAN!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. You have grown into such a beautiful and intelligent woman, we are so proud of you. We are also very glad that Kay could be there with you to celebrate. Our thoughts and prayers are with all every day. Ed thank you so much for the updates. We look forward to hearing more good news. Erin and Scott
Glad to hear all are home safe and sound. What wonderful pictures. Jean is such a beauty - a blond Kay. Ed, totally get that daily entries into the blog is too much with all you have on yout plate. I know we have all appreciated it more than we can express. I guess I'll just have to break my habit of checking every few hours just in case there is something new. Much love to all. xxoo Sara
Congratulations on your graduation, Jean. What an awesome accomplishment!! We are SO glad that your whole family, including your mom, could be there for the ceremony. Love, Ron, Linda, Andrew, Isaac & Avery
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