Sunday, May 31, 2009
The wine fund redeemed today
Anyway we have had a great weekend, Kay sees Dr. McCroskey (her oncologist) at 11AM tomorrow, and we're off on another week's adventure.
Pray for a good doctor's visit tomorrow. We look forward to yet another week where my iPhone weather report is all sunshine.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Very big day
Anyway, Kay is just getting stronger by the day. She helped with some painting, and supported me as I painted most of the day. Then we drove home this evening. Kay even drove the first stretch of highway. We'll see how sore she is tomorrow, but it was fun to work together today.
Tomorrow we sing in choir at church for Pentecost Sunday, and plan a relaxing day after that. Monday Kay sees Dr. McCroskey, and then our week three in the three week chemo cycle. We hope it will be even better than this last week has been, but this last week has been pretty nice.
We pray that each day brings more joy, and another day to fight this cancer.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Kay worked this morning
More good news yesterday. Kay's CA125, the tumor marker being followed to assess the response of her cancer to the chemotherapy continues to drop quickly. Dr. McCroskey was really surprised to see it down to about 270 a week prior, so repeated it to be sure it was a valid result. On repeat it was lower yet, at 162. Kay seems to be responding well to the chemo so far, no serious adverse effects, and good tumor kill. We are trying to stay on an even keel emotionally, but this is great news.
Jean is off to Portland for a doggie sitting job and to clean up the home there as we try to find a tenant. Kay and I may go down Sat to paint and visit.
Overall the sun is shining, God's grace is shining on us, and each day Kay seems stronger. Pray for more of all of these. (Oh, the Mariners beat Oakland today too 6-1.)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Dr. Freese
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Kay and I have had a nice day today. We skipped church, as I think Kay should avoid indoors group activities this weekend when she likely has low white blood cell counts. We took a morning trip to Capital Forest, southwest of Olympia. It is a large multiple use forest, and the closest place to find nesting Hermit warblers. This will be a life bird for Kay, and a state bird for me. (first time seen for Kay, first time in WA seen for me) We located several singing birds, but could not get a look at one. They are a 5 1/2 inch bird that sticks to the top of large fir trees.
After that, Kay and Jean caught some sun on the back deck, and I puttered about the house. I got a short bike ride in, and then picked up Brett and Maeby at Seatac.
Today was my dad's 79th birthday. I think they had a family get together at Mom and Dad's place this evening.
We are looking forward to the third day of this holiday weekend tomorrow, more sun forecast, and a going away party for Krister Freese, the physician son of Patty and Paul Freese who is leaving for Honolulu, HI for his orthopedic residency. A Hawaiian theme is planned, and Jean and Kay painted some "theme" graphics for the party today.
An early bedtime is planned tonight, as we had a busier day than usual today. A good type of tired though, as we had a really nice day.
We pray that you all have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Date night
I got home by 1 PP, did a bit of work from home, then Kay and I took a nap together. At least I slept soundly, and I think Kay relaxed. We then left for Tacoma and went to Harbor Lights to the early bird special. The portions fit Kay's appetite fine, and were good to keep me from overeating, but the garlic shrimp was great. Kay had great energy, and was her old self; interesting conversation, big smile, and we had a great date. From there we walked next door to the bar at the Ram, and I had a beer, Kay a root beer, and we talked some more while I showed her what a physical fr eek-of-nature Lebron is in the NBA playoffs.
The home by 7:15, a game of cribbage on the deck as the sun set, watched part of the Mariner's game as Randy Johnson came back to Seattle with the Giants, and more conversation. Overall a great day. Kay has felt much better today, and I hope the worst of chemo cycle 2 is behind us.
Now we are looking forward to a 3 day weekend ahead with an unusually great weather report as sunny and 70's each day. Small pleasures, but we are really learning to cherish every good day.
Pray that everyone following this blog has as good a weekend as Kay and I plan to have.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
That said the day has not been too bad. Kay went to Jean's oral surgery appointment today, and drove her home afterwards. Jean did well, luckily she only had one wisdom tooth. (No comment on wisdom) I got home about 4 PM today, we had an early dinner, and are just settling in to the Mariner's game and hopefully an early to bed before a good nights sleep.
Kay got outside for just a few minutes tonight to look at the garden. It is looking good. She had it set up pretty well before she got sick, and with help from some friends, some work by Brett, Jean and me, and nice weather it is looking good.
Jean and I played a game of cribbage today while dinner cooked. She won by 1 peg, when she pegged 8 on a third consecutive 5 for 6 for 3 in a row, plus 15-2 to go out when she needed 7, leaving me one peg short of going out. Fun.
You know news is scarce when I post a play by play of cribbage.
Pray for continued recovery from chemo, continued regression of the cancer, and may you all have a great weekend.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
If it's not one thing it's another
Except for that, not such a bad day. The sun shone most of the day, and we're hoping a good night's sleep will find Kay feeling better. If all goes well she has no medical visits, procedures, or even a blood draw for nearly 2 weeks.
Pray for healing and for the chemo to continue its job.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Salt- A World History

Thanks for all your prayers, support and love.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Chemo #2 behind us
Pray for good rest, good nutrition, minimal side effects, and continued responsiveness of the cancer to the treatment.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Make Hay
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Good Weekend
We are new to this chemotherapy process, but it appears that we will be on a three week cycle, where Kay gets chemo every 3rd Tuesday. (Monday this week because of a scheduling issue at the Cancer Center, but usually Tuesdays) The first week after chemo will be spent avoiding nausea, etc. The first weekend and the next week focus on fighting fatigue and avoiding infection as a complication of low blood counts. The next weekend will be the weekend to see how it goes, but probably not feel to bad. The third week, and especially the third weekend is the good week/weekend.
We are half way through the good weekend, and it has played out as hoped, good. Last night Kay had a movie party with her church girlfriends, where they watched Man on a Wire, a movie about a famous high wire performer. Brett and I went to the local sports bar and watched the Mariners come from behind against my childhood favorites, the Boston Red Sox, to win 5-4 after being down 4-0. Kay enjoyed the movie, and we enjoyed dinner and the game.
Today Kay and I joined our good friend Ken Brown and his birding class on a local birding trip in Tacoma from about 8:30 – 12:30, then went to the Tacoma Art Museum where I served ice cream as a part of an ice cream social for Sound Family Medicine staff and patients. It was a beautiful sunny day, and both the birding trip and the Museum event were fun, and made for a really good day.
Kay held up really well, her biggest social outing day since her surgery, and she remains in good spirits and comfortable at bedtime. To get ready for the weekend, Kay went to my barber Thursday, and got a really cute, very short haircut, as managing the very rapid hair loss with long hair was getting to be too cumbersome. She looks really good with the short hair, but we think by tomorrow most of that is going to be gone too, so she will then be a really cute bald woman. Photos to be posted soon.
Tomorrow we hope to get out for more sunshine, plans to be determined in the AM when we see how we feel.
Pray for uneventful chemotherapy Monday, a fun weekend, and a safe week ahead.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Off topic
Tonight I thought I'd write about a couple of other things. Click off if you are not interested.
Today I met with Marc Aversa, the SFM physician who is going to assume the medical director role July 1 when I step aside. One interesting topic that we touched on was one many business owners should be considering. What to do to prepare for what I think is going to be a lifetime influenza season this fall. We have our own issues as a medical practice, but today we focused on issues I anticipate relevant to most business owners and managers. How to prepare to keep going when much of your workforce is out sick, or afraid to come to work. What financial steps to take to prepare for a possible major slowdown (yes, possible slowdown as many patients are afraid to, or wisely choose not to go to the doctors office for routine health care services) in business volume.
I have also spent some time thinking about health care reform. I have very mixed feelings about this issue. Probably the one unequivocal feeling I have is being grateful to be at this stage in my medical career, not just starting. I feel strongly that somehow a country as vast and blessed with wealth and resources as the US should somehow be able to have some level of reasonable health care for all citizens. I also feel strongly the need for some degree of personal responsibility for choices and financial consequences of those choices. I realize that as a country we need to somehow manage health care spending to remain competitive in the world economy. The one thing I think Obama has wrong it trying to blend a lowest cost government option and an open market competitive system. I think this just creates nearly a single payer system without calling it a single payer system and reaping the efficiencies of a single payer system? Either have a single payer system or don't have a government sponsored and subsidized option. I think sooner or later we will have some version of a single payer system, but it seems that right now it is not politically viable to propose one. As physician I dread the thought of just being a government worker. As a consumer I dread the thought of seeking care in a government bureaucracy. As an American I feel resigned to some such system to allow us to compete in the greater world economy. We live in interesting times.
Pray for wise decisions by our leaders, and a less severe than I anticipate flu season this fall.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
One day among many
Despite this Kay remains strong. The down moments are brief, and she and we are really trying to live every day to its fullest. Today Scott Bailey visited, Kay went out to lunch with Jean before Jean left to return to Portland. We are watching the Mariner's extra inning game vs. Texas. Friends have been wonderfully supportive, we feel blessed by the excellent medical care Kay is getting, and are praying faithfully for God's grace and healing.
Pray for endurance, patience, and healing.
Monday, May 11, 2009
A quiet day
Tomorrow the two week post chemo blood tests and oncology visit with Dr. McCroskey, and Thursday the much delayed post-op visit with Dr. Safarri. This weekend I think we are going on a short local birding trip with Ken Brown, a very good friend and great birder. Ken and I talk and bird as often as we can, not very it seems, but Ken called Kay yesterday just to talk, and to invite us on his trip this weekend. This made Kay feel really good. "Ken called me!"
Mun Jong took Kay to the appointment today as Jean had an appointment to arrange to get her wisdom tooth, removed. That's right, she only has one, and she went to lunch with Kay afterwards, and left us with home-make Chinese food for dinner. She is a great cook, so we all enjoyed dinner today.
All is quiet and good on our end. We are really trying to make each day good as we wait to see how this chemotherapy works. Kay looks better every day, so we think it is having a positive impact so far.
Keep the prayers coming and have a great week.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day

Today we plan to lay low. I figure if I'm going to be responsible for more of the gardening, I want to have a few vegetables as well as flowers, so am planting a few tomato, cucumber, squash and pumpkin plants. We also got a "columnar apple" tree at Dig, it grows apples right off the trunk, no branches, so takes very little room. We'll see how that works.
Jean gets home this afternoon and we're going for Rock Pizza. This should be a good week, well past the last chemo, next is a week from tomorrow, just a couple of doctors visits.
Enjoy Mother's day.

Friday, May 8, 2009
Spooning is good
Yesterday Dr. Levine tested the internal bile drainage stent, found it to be draining freely, and pulled out the external drain. For a few hours it seemed like the only difference was that the draining bile now did not go into a bag, rather soaked gauze dressings. Within a few hours the drainage slowed down, and overnight just a couple of drops on the gauze.
Kay has had a very good appetite for the last 2 days, is eating well, and gaining some weight back. The lymphedema is really limiting her activity, just a few minutes of standing or walking and she gets very uncomfortable, but otherwise she is doing great.
We pray for a peaceful weekend with good food, good sleep, good family time. Some sunshine and a Mariner's win or two would help too.
Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Everything but a nice glass of red
Kay also had good blood tests today, (for those with a medical background her liver enzymes and serum bilirubin were not elevated after clamping her external biliary drainage tube overnight) giving us a likely removal of the external bile tube tomorrow, and the possibility of no bodily fluids that are meant to stay internally draining externally by the end of the week. It is nearly 8 PM and Kay is still on the phone with a friend, no late day emotional and physical overload that has been the routine recently.
Maybe the highlight of the day was a really good laugh. Kay's Aunt Sis, a.k.a. Barbara Hoffman sent Kay a video declaring her the Mom of the year. It was a hoot, and for some reason I cannot seem to add that link in a way to make it work here, so you'll have to take it from me we enjoyed the laugh.
Pray for more good results of labs in the AM, a widely patent internal biliary stent, and removal of the external tube tomorrow without complications. Also give thanks to God for such improvement over the last few days.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Graduation photos
Click on the link to view an album of Jean's graduation photos.
Cinco de Mayo
It seems like just another emotional day, and we need to just find strength to roll through them.
On a positive note, Jean got all the applications, paperwork, forms, etc done to study for and take the CPA exam this summer done today. She is feeling pretty good about that. Brett slogged through the rain all day, both on foot and in the car commute. I worked all morning and part of the afternoon without drama or interruption, and we are settled in to relax this evening.
We all enjoyed a great salmon meal provided by Norm and Barb Aune. We are definitely being spoiled by the great meals we have been receiving.
When Kay finds her download cord for her camera, I'll post a link to lots of graduation photos. I just have the few with my birding telephoto lens posted yesterday.
Pray for good tests the next couple of days, and no setbacks from the recurring bile duct problems. Blood counts were all good today, no chemotherapy complications so far.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Home from Graduation
We had a wonderful visit with family, thanks in large part to terrific planning and execution by Jean and Marc, with big time assistance from Marc's whole family, from many of Kay's girlfriends, and with support from many others, too many to try to name here.
We pray for a quiet and restful week while we give the first course of chemotherapy time to work. We hope that this week will see Kay's blood counts remain strong, that she will be able to have her external bile drainage tube removed soon, and that she will continue to recover from the biliary tract infection completely.
I hope to slow down on the posts this week, and get back to a bit more work at Sound Family Medicine. Also just a time to be thankful for and enjoy our time together as a family at home.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I have heard the story more than once of Kay and her 14 year old friends using a wheel chair to be able to go to the front of lines at Disneyland. Well today we got a wheelchair from the hotel, Jean called UP to arrange for us to get priority parking, Kay sat on the main floor and I sat right behind her in the first row of seating, and this allowed Kay to have enough energy to sit through the ceremony.
After the ceremony we came back to the hotel to rest, then off to a sports bar 2 blocks from the hotel where we watched the Mariners come back from a 4-3 deficit in the bottom of the 9th inning, another 7-4 deficit in about the 13th inning, and finally win in the 15th inning. Oh, we also had a nice dinner, great conversation, and more good family fun with Horace, Bill, Fay, Keith, Jean, Kay, Marc and me.
Last I took Dad and Bill back to the airport, and now we are dissecting the entire weekend in the time tested Colmar style.
This accomplishment has been possible through contributions from countless friends. I won't try to list them all, but we have had tremendous friends helping every step of the way.
Once I find a cable to download photos to the PC, I'll post a pictorial of the whole weekend.
Pray for good rest, and a week of getting back to a routine without setbacks or complications.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Hillmans put on a great party
Kay has had an incredibly long day. She slept poorly last night, was up early, and this morning awakened to find that the external bile drainage tube had bile leaking profusely around the tube, making a mess and making her at risk to get really bad skin irritation. Dr. Levine called her and agreed to come in this morning to replace the external tube with a larger size tube to try to keep all of the bile draining into her bag. He was able to do that, and after the usual details of hospital discharge Kay was sprung free by shortly after noon. Mary Rose Sprague stayed with Kay all morning, and took her home. She and Cheryl Wiederspan helped Kay to get ready to drive to Portland. Kay was so exhausted she needed a power nap, and then a bath, to finish packing, and finally got off by about 3 PM. Peter and Cheryl loaded her in the Land Rover, headed south, and made it to Tanya's in time for the after-party. We all had seconds on the great food, had a photo op, and sat and chatted.
Now back at The Nines Hotel, resting before bedtime, and planning to rest Kay up, and have lots of family visiting for Keith and Fay, as well as for Dad, Bill and me.
We all really enjoyed the multiple copies of the Tacoma News Tribune Patty and Paul brought down. The photo of Kay finishing the race last year on the inside page left several of us with moist eyes.
Pray for rest, a better appetite for Kay tomorrow, and satisfying visiting tomorrow.
If I can get the photos on my laptop, a photo gallery of the party and graduation tomorrow.
The News Tribune today
Check out this article in the local newspaper about Kay and her running team.
Tired but in good spirits
I've had a nice morning, breakfast early with Brett, Dad and Bill. A walk in the rain, and now a little rest. We saw Fay, Keith, Jean and Marc too. Jean thought to pick up her gown today, and all is set for a weekend of celebration of Jean's accomplishments. We are so proud of and happy for her.
More after the party today if I get a chance. Maybe even some pictures then.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Nines
NPO all day, and at 5PM off to have GI try to place the stent using an endoscope through the stomach. After an hour of waiting, Dr. Moussan and Levine had me in to let me know that the stent had migrated proximally up into the common bile duct, was no longer working, and could not be seen from the duodenum. No luck replacing the stent from below. This was really disconcerting, as it meant Dr. Levine, the interventional radiologist was going to have to try to remove the smaller stent either by pushing it into the duodenum, or pull it out through the abdominal drain site. Then try to replace it with a larger stent from above. After 2 hours of work, he was able to successfully do this. During that time I sent Brett to Taco Bell for dinner (Kay had us salivating for Mexican food) and we watched the M's on ESPN online. The wait seemed to go on forever, but we were just ecstatic to hear the procedure was successful. Kay will need to still wear the external drain bag for a few days, but the good news is if the night goes OK I think she will get released, and ride down to Portland with Peter and Cheryl.
Brett and I checked into "The Nines" hotel downtown, and are about to crash.
Thanks for all your prayers. Cheer for Jean this weekend.
It is hard to just wait here, knowing that I could simply pull my Dr. Pullen rank and cruise back and see what's going on. I am convinced that the static of having me looking over their shoulders would simply add more pressure to a difficult procedure, and that Kay's doctors already are trying extra hard, so I am waiting in like a good husband in the hallway chairs.
I'll try to make a quick post late tonight after I find out how this procedure goes. For now it's sit, pace, sit some more.