Friday, June 8, 2012

Special Kay

Today has been a good day.  That's news because some of the last few days have been less than good.  Kay is finally through with her third cycle of chemotherapy, and is facing a 5 1/2 week course of daily whole-pelvis radiation therapy.  We are now almost 3 1/2 years into her fight against this ovarian cancer and Kay is tired.  This last course, getting intra-peritoneal chemo has been especially tedious.  The IP port has caused pain with sitting, standing, eating, and nearly everything daily. Kay is feeling unattractive (despite my every attempt to convince her otherwise ;.) and facing radiation is scary.

Kay met with Dr. Elizabeth Swisher, her Seattle Cancer Care Alliance GYN Oncologist, today and "Liz" reminded Kay that she is special.  Not just a special case, but special.  Totally unexpectedly at her major surgery in Jan. Kay had no cancer inside her abdominal cavity, negative pathology on her lymph nodes, and only cancer in the cervix area.  She has come through this third course of chemo without major complications, and remains strong and healthy.  The hope, dare I say expectation? is that Kay will get a long term remission, and potentially a cure after this surgery-chemo-radiation assault on the cancer.  This was more than we could have hoped for prior to her surgery, and so Kay is in a special situation, a possible "save" after a recurrence following her initial chemotherapy remission.

The timing for this visit could not have been better.  God seems to smile on us just when we need it the most, today using Dr. Swisher as the smiling face.  Kay's doctors have all told her that the radiation should be less difficult than any of her prior chemo courses, and that she should not even have fatigue until the second or third week.  Fatigue side effects should resolve within weeks after the radiation.  Still the fear of long-term problems remains, and Kay is frightened.  Keep her in your prayers.  Pray for patience with therapy, for minor side effects during treatment and no long term complications.  Pray for a long, long, long time without cancer to follow. You can even throw in a prayer for sunshine if you have extra time.

Thanks to all or you for your prayers, and to many friends for all you have done to make our lives easier during this time.  Enjoy the summer. We hope to fill the late summer, fall and beyond with fun and joy.  Now to get to there.
