The good news is we're both with our Moms. Kay is in San Diego with Fay and Mary and they sound like they are making Fay's 81st birthday a great one.
The rest of the story is that my Mom is near the end of her earthly life. I'm taking the night shifts of sitting with Mom, and this leaves me lots of time to think and remember good times before Mom's last 12 or more years of fighting first multiple sclerosis and later throat cancer. Mom is resting very comfortably now, as she and we await her last breaths.
I think of years of staying at camp in the summer with Mom primarily looking after us. I feel blessed to have a Mom who while giving adequate supervision let me have free roam of the whole lake, lake side and surrounding areas. I played with friends and roamed literally miles through the woods, on the lake in our flat bottomed unsinkable and nearly untippable plank-built boat. It weighed hundreds of pounds and had a 3 horse power outboard motor that pushed it so slow that you could walk on the shore faster than it moved at full throttle. I remember Mom wishing I'd spend more time above the water than under the water swimming, but not complaining, just always keeping an eye on me.
I remember Mom saying, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." Advice I have regretted not heeding more than once. I remember beans and hot dogs on Saturday nights, riding with Mom several times a day as a kid going to pick up parts for the mechanics at Dad's Ford dealership in Oakland before he moved to the business to Waterville.
Mostly I remember she always just knew I could succeed even when I was not so sure. I still hold Mom and Dad as the ultimate role models of how a couple should love and cherish one another, through great times, not so great times, and recently not very good times at all. They have been truly inspirational for me. Thanks for everything Mom. One of the last things I remember Mom saying before her prolongued seizure, and subsequent drug-induced unconsciousness here at the hospital was about Dad. She just said, in few words as is her style, "He sure takes good care of me." That he has. For many years Mom sure took good care of Dad and all of us when she was healthy.
Please keep Mom in your prayers. Pray for a quick and comfortable passing. She will die without awakening it appears and although I'd like to be sure she hears us all tell her how much we love her, I'm grateful that our Lord has given her this peaceful way to pass.